nostalgia party

Jan 18, 2014 21:08

It's funny, I feel like I'm constantly struggling in this new fannish reality of multiple platforms to figure out how to communicate, how to make new fannish connections, how to maintain my old ones. I have a tumblr, joyfulseeker there as well as here as well as on AO3, because though I feel a bit sheepish about my current username I am nothing so much as consistent/unwilling to expend more energy on titling things when I already have one that works. I have a tumblr and an AO3 account and an LJ account and a dreamwidth account, but maintain few connections on any one system.

This reality isn't new, though! I think sometimes about my inability to adapt, to have an attractive tumblr presence, to post frequently and thoughtfully on any one platform. This is how one doesn't adapt, I think. I am a living embodiment of a technological paradigm shift, of obsolescence in action. I sometimes think of my online presence circa 2007 and think that I know how it feels to lose the edge of pop culture. It feels really easy. It feels like becoming preoccupied with other things and not learning new interfaces. Change is exhausting. Who knew?

People post in author's notes on AO3 these days with links to their tumblr accounts and invitations to talk to them. How necessary now! But what will these links look like in five years? Where will we be?

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