Tonight is the night of doing everything in half hour increments. I have a stop clock at my elbow, samples cooking on the magnetic stir/hot plate, and I'm settling in for a wild good time pulling sample timepoints. It's very sad to translate your theoretical experimental design into numbers and realize you won't be going home until at least 7pm. Curse you, real world. Curse you and your windows-update and restarting all the instruments and delaying the start of my first injections by a whole hour. Curse you.
So, yes. My concentration is for shit right now, as every time I get involved in something enough to really get into it, I freak out, worried that I've just overrun one of my pull times. Therefore, clearly time to update LJ.
1:15:26. I have twelve minutes until I need to be downstairs. Okay. I'm...really not so much cut out for lab science. Clearly.
Anyway. Happiest of happy birthdays to my darling real world older sister
aweirdsister. I remembered all by myself this time, which is a marked improvement from previous years. I even was awesome enough to still remember at 10:30 this morning, in time to call her and wish her a happy birthday after she'd woken up but before she'd gone to work. My grand plan. It would have worked even better if she hadn't traded days off with a co-worker. Hah! Oops! But she was very gracious and happy in a groggy, sleepy sort of way this morning, which just goes to show that she and T got all the morning good humor in the family. If someone had woken me up on my day off, you can damn well be sure I wouldn't have been good-natured. At all. I would have muttered, "hello," in that croaky, foul-tempered, why-are-you-calling-someone-better-be-dead sort of way.
Whoops, time to go.
Well. Either something went wrong in the way my instrument loads sample, or the solution concentration of my sample dropped like a rock, because that was not what I was expecting, Livejournal. Not at all. Nothing was in the time=50 minutes sample! Well. On the other hand, if that trend continues with my time=90 minutes sample, I get to go home at 5:30. WIN ALL AROUND.
Well, okay, not really. I get to try again tomorrow. But. That's kind of like a win. It's a win in the "I get to go home and eat dinner and write fic (or maybe watch Couplings)" way, which is, of course, the best way in the world to win.
Hm hm hm.
Whoa, scans through the old friendslist imply that today is Beta Appreciation Day? Or maybe yesterday was? Or something? Is this true? Did I miss it? Looking back through my archives indicates that LAST YEAR it was the 13th of October. Either it's like Easter and floats around, or I missed it by a whole yard and a half. Oops! I'm sorry, betas! I have absolutely super-fantastic betas, and so many people have helped out on fic for me that I'm almost afraid to list them, for fear that I'll omit someone. It truly takes me a village to write a fic. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who takes a minute to look at the writing I throw at you, express an opinion, give me feedback, or take out my extraneous words. There are many things that make fandom cool, but beta readers are definitely a huge one for me.
Also, I feel like most of my popslash people already know this, but bandslash people (all...what, five of you, or whatever, who are on my friendslist), I not only love other people betaing me, but I also really enjoy betaing for other people. It gives me a fuzzy feeling of happiness, and it's LIKE writing, but NOT writing. Betaing is a tricky thing, though, because each person comes with their own agenda with respect to good writing and characterization, and I'm no different. Regardless, I figured I'd just use this space to throw that offer down. was the instrument. The instrument isn't loading properly. GodDAMMIT.