Another undiscovered gem from the depths of my bookshelf….

Jul 26, 2006 16:01

Every so often late at night I get desperate for something really good to read. I start carefully going over my shelves to see what yet-unread titles I can find. On one such evening I found “The Ditchdigger’s Daughters" by Yvonne Thornton. I recognized it as a book a friend had handed me with a “You must read this” several years ago (maybe ten?). So I decided to read it immediately so I could return it her. It really didn’t look that interesting-but was I in for a surprise. I was gripped by this true-life story about an uneducated black couple, Donald and Donna Thorton, living in poverty in New Jersey in the 1950’s. Both worked long hours in menial labor jobs and struggled to feed their growing family of girls. Somehow Donald decided that all his girls were going to grow up to be doctors and this is the story about how he made that (or something very close) happen. More details would ruin the book for you, so get online and place it on hold at your local library or track down a copy to buy. I can’t loan you mine, because I have to give it back to Pam.

book recommendation

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