hijacked from
hussla January The other day, my little brothers spent the day at my father's house!!! Don't know when I'm going to be able to check my Email...yikes...I really didn't want to spend tomorrow night w/ Amy and her attitude...
February okay - all is well. I am going to St. Louis today and I am sure it will be much fun. oh - and - this morning i woke up, and Meep Merp (my goldfish) was very pale and floaty.
March Ryan was not very nice to Amber, and that really bothers me. i need to stop having crushes on: other girls' boyfriends, ex-boyfriends'
friends, straight girls, friends, leaches, etc...
April My birthday is Thursday. if you love me, you will wish me well in the last year of my teens. I really want this job.
May Tonight I am supposed to meet some potential 'bedmates' at the pool hall. I miss nikki! come home soon!
June i had a blast last night. so, i decided not to quit. it's just no fun.
July Why do friendships have to require maintenance? Damned bee suit. I'm probably going back tonight and buying it. le sigh
August my hair is red again! hooha! she smells like cheese...really bad.
September I'm at Nikki's dorm right now. first the weed, and now sex...I guess i'm just a huge disappointment. fuck.
October i just got back from my therapy session. i'm drunk again (so hide the kids?).
November reluctant to wake up. d00ds! it's fucking saturday night!!!
December I wish the CD that
dreaminggrapes made was really meant for me, because it's one of the best EVER! i hope everyone has a safe and happy new year, and i hope some of you come to
visit me in 2003!!!