SPN: No Exit Coda

Nov 05, 2006 21:05

So, yay for the CW reshowing SPN tonight! It totally inspired me!

Beta by Anna (who is made of awesome...)

No Exit Coda

Dean looked down at the ground as Jo walked away, trying to process what had just happened. After a moment, he turned on his heel and stalked toward the Roadhouse, holding his hand out for Sam to just stay the fuck there when he started to follow.

Ellen looked up as the door slammed shut behind Dean, and she looked like she had something to say. Dean didn't really care.

"You have some nerve, lady," he said, his voice low. "We came here in good faith. Thought we were among friends. Sam trusted you--"

"Hey," Ellen replied sharply. "You lied to me about Jo."

"I guess we're even, then." Dean was shaking with adrenaline, not really sure what he was going to say until the words were spilling out of his mouth. "I'm sorry about your husband, I really am. But if you blamed Dad for his death, then you had no right treating us the way you did. 'These are John's boys!' Like we were welcome, when what you really meant was, 'These are John's boys. They'll get you killed if you give 'em half a chance.' Say what you will about my father but you always fucking knew where you stood with him."


"How many hunts have you been on?" Dean asked over her. "How many times have you actually been there when shit went down? I get that you don't want Jo to be out there. I don't think she should be either. Shit happens and no matter how experienced you are, no matter what you think you know, you are always just one job away from your last, and it sucks."

"It wasn't--" Ellen tried again.

"And I'll tell you what." Dean's voice wavered low and rough, and he had to stop for a moment until it passed. "I'll tell you what. For all the years I've been doing this, for all the times I was too late or too slow. For the times I should've..." He shook his head. "I have enough on my conscience to last me ten lifetimes. I do not need the weight of this too."

Ellen was stunned silent. Or maybe she was mad, but Dean was suddenly too tired to try and figure it out when he couldn't say the one thing he wanted. You had no right to turn my father into a villain.

"Well, then," he said as he turned to leave. "It's good to finally know where we stand."

spn gen, supernatural fic, codaish thingy

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