Apr 29, 2006 02:01
Second update email sent to the ladies in the area--again, feel free to pass on.
Hello All,
Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to the plate to offer support of all kinds to the Rothenbachers. Grace & Carl both have asked me to express their gratitude for the outpouring of love and the generosity of spirit they've experienced already.
An update.
Hope Kathryn Rothenbacher was born at 3:30 AM Friday April 28th, 2006. She was delivered at home, with the help of a midwife. The delivery went well; however, Grace bled out quite a bit (the midwife was able to stop the bleeding fairly quickly). Unfortunately, while the baby was easily delivered the placenta remained attached to the uterus, causing some complications.
Grace and Carl were able to have some time before Grace underwent surgery late afternoon/early evening at Methodist Hospital on Friday. Grace's surgery went wonderfully, although Grace learned that waking up from anesthesia is quite frustrating.
Tom & Sue Peine were able to be there for Grace & Carl, and took care of Grace during her short stay in the hospital. When my family went to see Grace at Methodist she expressed what a great help the Peines had been, as well as her desire to "go home to my own bed and cuddle with Carl!" The McClains once again watched Joseph, which was such a help!
Grace was released from the hospital around 9:15 PM Friday, and the Peines took her home to rest.
After talking to both Grace & Carl they have asked me to pass on their wishes at this time. They would love to have visitors; however, they are both quite worn out and in need of some time to recover. Jennifer Swenson & Sarah Crane have provided enough food for the weekend, so their meals will be covered through Sunday night. They've asked that visitors wait until after church on Sabbath to visit--at the earliest.
Grace has also requested that anyone wishing to visit would call or email first--and wait for a response before coming over, to make sure it is a good time for the family. Also, at least for the first few days while Grace is recovering from the trauma of surgery (although she told me she felt like she could have ran out of that hospital--she bounced back amazingly!), as well as the birth, not to mention the emotional strain it might be best to keep personal visits short (i.e. those that don't have to do with cleaning or running errands).
Sunday Grace's mother will arrive around 5, which will be a great comfort for the family. The need for women to sit with Grace will be lessened because she will have her mother there--although of course Grace loves to spend time with her friends. She said she'd know more about what she'll want schedule wise after her mother gets here.
So that means I probably won't get a schedule out for cleaning/errands/babysitting etc until then. However, I'm working on the food schedule currently. They have very limited freezer/refrigerator space, so I'm trying to work it out so that they'll only be receiving one main dish per day. Jennifer Swenson has also kindly offered her large freezer to store any extras--as Grace expressed her fear that she'd have food the first week, but would be left a little bit later with nothing--I think she's anticipating this hitting her fully a little later. If anyone would like to make extra, or can't deliver their food the day it's needed I'll be happy to pick it up and store it at Jennifer's until it is needed. (As I work with Carl every day, it'll be easy to give it to him that way).
One specific thing Grace mentioned (besides that she doesn't like mushrooms :) is that she needs someone to mow their lawn. She is not allowed to do anything strenuous for 2 weeks after surgery, and she says that any time Carl is home she needs him to be with her--so she'd really appreciate if someone wouldn't mind coming over in the next week or so and mowing (they have a lawn mower there). If anyone would be able to do this service please let me know.
Thank you all so much for the help you've offered and for the prayers, especially. It has been such a privilege to see God's Hand at work--even in these, the darkest times. The small miracles we have witnessed in the past few days, as well as the comfort and strength that only He can provide in such cases shows what an awesome and loving God we serve.
I will do my best to update everyone as time permits. And thank you once again. Have a blessed Sabbath!
Katie Ambrose
katie at danambrose dot com