Thank you so much to all of my sponsors! (I sound like a NASCAR driver!) They are:
spacefiendCharlotte (from work)
courtbergerawanderingbardspacefiend's mother
Cameron (Kronik)
You guys are all 1000% awesome for helping me raise money for celiac awareness!
Thank you, as well, to everyone who commented on my posts at any time during blogathon. It really helped knowing there were people reading and enjoying my posts! It was fun to share my progress on both baking and sewing.
I have no idea where I'll be during blogathon next year, but if I'm able, I'm definitely doing it again -- it's too much fun for me to pass up! I'll likely continue my pattern of choosing a different cause every year and find something else to support. Plenty of time to figure that out, though!
For now: sleep for me! Thanks to everyone for a wonderful blogathon! Also, you can still pledge through the end of the month. All sponsors should get an email in a couple weeks pointing them at where to make their donations.