Blogathon details

Jul 06, 2009 11:38

I realized that while I have been talking about blogathon, I haven't done the "here's what it is and how it works" post yet this year. So here it is! Some of this you've seen, but it should make some things clearer for those who aren't familiar with how the 'thon works.

What is Blogathon?

A charity, well, blogathon! For 24 hours starting July 25 at 8AM (Central time), people will post entries every half hour. The goal is to raise money for the blogger's charity of choice.

My charity: National Foundation for Celiac Awareness

Celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. Essentially, the body attacks itself every time a person with celiac consumes gluten. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye, and other related grains. Left untreated, people with celiac disease can develop further complications such as other autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, thyroid disease, and cancer. Unfortunately, knowledge of this disease is nowhere near as widespread as it should be. It takes an average of ten years for someone to receive a correct diagnosis, because doctors don't know or think to test for it. The goal of the NFCA is to raise awareness, get people diagnosed, and fund research for a cure.


If you'd like to sponsor me (please do!), here's how. Blogathon behaves much like a walkathon or... really any charity-athon. You can sign up to donate either a flat amount (lump sum) or you can pledge a certain amount per hour that I stay up. (I fully intend to be up the whole time, so that's 24 hours. Less, if I fail.)

Here's the step by step how-to from the FAQ, with some comments from me:

1) Click my sponsor me link. If you'd like to find someone else to sponsor, go to the list of bloggers and click the "sponsor this blogger" button for whoever you choose.

2) If you're logged in, you'll go right to the amounts page. Otherwise, you'll be given the option to sign up or log in. Unfortunately, you do have to sign up in order to sponsor. It doesn't mean you have to blog, obviously, and their privacy policy is good, so don't worry.
2a) If you really don't want to sign up on the site, but you want to sponsor me, tell me how much and I'll put in a proxy pledge for you. After the 'thon, I'll send you a link to the donation site.

3) Choose how much you'd like to sponsor for, and whether it's a lump sum, or an hourly amount. You don't pay right away! This is just the pledge.

4) Decide how you'd like to appear on the site, and to your blogger. You can be completely open, or completely anonymous. Either way, your email address is never published on the site. See the privacy policy for details.

5) Watch the event! Well, as much as you can stay up for. Encouraging comments are always loved!

6) After the event, you'll receive two reminders directing you to your blogger's charity to fulfill your pledge. (If you have already donated, just disregard the email.) In other words, I won't be collecting the money, and blogathon won't be collecting the money. You'll be directed to the NFCA donation site, and you'll donate there.

There is no minimum donation, so pledge as little or as much as you want! If you're curious, the donations will be made via Google Checkout or Paypal, your choice. I believe those options work for people not in the US -- let me know if there's a problem there.

If you go to sponsor me on the blogathon site and run into problems, either use their contact form or let me know! I can report the problems on the forums, if needed.

Not doing anything July 25? Sign up! It'll be a lot of fun! :)

Sponsor me!


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