Meme from
borg_princess Pick your fandoms before reading the questions...
2) Pushing Daisies
3) Heroes
4) Gilmore girls
5) Bones
6) Friends
01.) Who is your favorite character from #2?
Pushing Daisies
Olive Snook because Kristen Chenoweth is entirely made of win. And how can you not love a girl who sings "Eternal Flame" about a guy who doesn't know she's in love with him, while he keeps popping in and out of the room, causing her to keep stopping the song and then picking back up again where she left off?
02.) Who is your least favorite character from #4?
Gilmore girls
Mmmmm, that would be a tie between Taylor Doose and Dean.
03.) What would a crossover between #1 and #3 include?
NCIS + Heroes
Wow, tough one! Well, maybe Gibbs' famous gut instinct is actually an "ability" so Dr Suresh pays him a visit. McGee and Abby help him perfect the formula, but not before Ziva steels a dose. Since she already has superhuman abilities, all the formula does is turn her into yet another Ali Larter clone. Micah runs after no-longer-Ziva, insisting she's his mommy. Siler overhears and his own mommy issues kick in, so he too chases after her, accidently knocking into Hiro on his way past. Hiro and Ando accidently land in autopsy, where Ducky is sharing a bottle of wine with Mrs Petrelli. Peter and Nathan fly through and grab Mrs Petrelli to take her to Abby's lab to find out if she can foresee the future of the new formula. But Jimmy Palmer walks right into them and they all crash in one great tumble. Tony comes to see what the noise was about and Mrs Petrelli insists he was always her favorite son and allllllllll the others were complete dissapointments. Dejected, Peter and Nathan fly away. Claire had been looking for Peter, to kill him, but finds Jimmy instead. They decide to make out beneath a gurney. Matt Parkman reads Director Vance's mind and hurries to tell someone his double-crossing plan. He finds Tony hiding in the elevator, fantasizing about Claire, her mother, her biological mother, and her grandmother all at the same time. Parkman reads Tony's thoughts and his head explodes, taking the entire eastern seaboard with it.
04.) Who is your favorite ship from #6?
Chandler & Monica. I looooove Ross & Rachel, but there's always so much drama! They get a bit tiresome.
05.) If you were to set one person from #3 and one person from #6 on a blind date, who would they be?
Heroes + Friends
Siler and Monica. Siler would never know what hit him. And the world would be saved.
06.) If you could meet one person from #2 and spend the day with them, who would it be and what would you do?
Pushing Daisies
Ned. We would eat pie. And make out. Because, haha! The boy can touch *me* all he wants! Take that, dead girl.
07.) If you could change one thing about #3's plotline, what would you change?
Peter and Claire would SO not be uncle and niece.
08.) Explain a relationship between two people (not necessarily romantic) from #5 and why you like the relationship between them.
Aaaaahhhhhh! Booth & Brennan are love. OK, I've only seen the first episode so far, so I'm not yet an authority on their relationship. But the YouTube videos I've watched? Holy crap!! The eye-sexing alone wins me over. Not to mention the throwing themselves in harm's way without hesitation to protect each other. The banter. I'm looking forward to all of that (and more!) as I make my way through my friend's DVD boxed sets.
09.) If the lead title characters (first names in the credits) from #1 and #5 were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would it be?
NCIS or Bones
ie. Gibbs or Booth&Brennan (their names are on the screen at the same time!!)
Crap. Double crap. Well, since I can't choose, I guess they'll all just have to die. Besides, I'd probably be so busy flailing about trying to save *myself* I wouldn't have the necessary energy to haul another body to shore with me!
10.) If you could change the title characters' order in the credits for #4, what order would you choose?
Gilmore girls
I would just move Milo Ventimiglia up to right after Alexis Bledel. And keep him there through all 7 seasons.
11.) If you were able to add a new character, any kind of character you wanted, to the storyline of #1, what would the character be like, and what would their role be?
Just for the series finale, a pastor. He would be an old friend of Ducky's. And his role would be to marry Tony & Ziva and Abby & McGee in a double wedding.
12.) What happens in your favorite episode of show #2?
Pushing Daisies
Olive joins a nunnery. She twirls around on a hillside, singing, a la Sound of Music. And she sucks at being a nun. And Ned misses her.
13.) If you could kill off one of the characters in #6, who would it be and how would you do it?
Janice. No! She's too funny. Oy, let's see. That nerdy guy who moves to Russia or someplace for a while. If he's dead I don't have to feel sorry for him losing Phoebe to Mike. I would blow him up in one of his own lab experiments.
14.) If you got the chance to visit the set for either show #4 or show #5, which would you choose?
Gilmore girls or Bones
Seeing as Gilmore girls has left the building and took both Milo Ventimiglia and Scott Patterson with it... Bones. I hear the actors who play Booth & Brennan even have chemistry off camera!
15.) If you could date anyone from any of these shows, which show and which person would it be?
Dangit. McGee, Ned, Peter, or Jess (who is kinda the same person as Peter but then again totally not). OK, yeah, I pick Jess. With a little more of Peter's compassion mixed in? :D Jess Mariano from Gilmore girls for the win.