Leaving ADF

Feb 08, 2008 13:11

As of today, my membership in ADF has lapsed. I don’t intend to renew it.

This has been a very difficult decision for me.

It’s a great organization with worthwhile goals. I’ve learned a lot from being a part of it.

Over the past year I’ve discovered there’s a greater divide between ADF goals and the spiritual work I’m feeling called to do than I’d realized.

I have a tendency to treat group demands as more urgent than personal issues. That’s not the right balance for me now. Leaving is the only way I know to release my sense of obligation to focus on the goals of the organization ahead of my own.

If anyone wants to discuss things further, you’re welcome to comment here, message me via livejournal, or e-mail me (send an lj message for the address if you'd like). I'll also be at Pantheacon in San Jose next week.

Some lj friending here was done on a basis of mutual membership in ADF; if we haven’t really made a connection beyond that, unfriending is a reasonable consequence of my departure. I won’t take offense and hope others won’t either. (This isn’t a setup for a massive flist purge on my part, just an effort to be realistic and honest.)
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