Sep 01, 2010 22:45
This is the week of test driving singles group. Tomorrow I'm going with Katie to a group at Destiny Worship Center. On Sunday Ana, Erica and I are trying out a Presbian group.
And tonight, Ana and I went to Downpour.
When we first walked in we almost about died, because there was loud rap music (later it was discovered to be CHRISTIAN rap, after we realized they were rapping 2 Corinthian 13) and everyone was dressed insanely. Then we went on a photo scavenger hunt throughout Destin.
There was much oddness done. Lipstick on men, photos with fish, photos being fish, middle school dance recreations and (the highlight) The Asian I Took Spanish With went after a man with a skullet. Showing valor above and beyond the call of duty he even chased the man into the employee bowels of Walmart. That shows real courage.
J'ai un bon pompluie.