I can't remember having had so much fun in weeks!
After I finished the Norrington/Turner video, I thought it was nothing but fair to have a Norrington/Gillette one as well. Alas, there was not enough Gillette-material at hand for a solo-show. But the slash is there - definitely! :-D Especially in the English and the German version.
This is basically how I imagine Pirates of the Caribbean would have looked if the movie had been released in the late 20ies of the last century. The video comes in three version: German (the original), French and English. The last two versions are different from the German one. That's due to the lyrics - while the content is the same, the words are not, and the clips didn't match.
A word on the music: The Comedian Harmonists were a harmony ensemble highly popular in the late 20ies/early 30ies of the last century. Their fame spread from Germany all over the world, and they toured the USA with great success. In the early thirties, the three Jewish members of the band fled to the USA and the group split up. :-( That's to explain the little note at the end of the video. You can read more about the group
here, and some years ago, an excellent movie has been made about their lives, featuring some of Germany's most fantastic actors. It's called
The Harmonists.
I hope you'll like the videos and will give them the benefit of the doubt - they are a bit unusual...! (I "aged" the clips to match the music - but there are lots of uniforms, I hope that will make up for my experiment!)
Have fun (I hope!)