AWE: The site stats - I'm baffled. James Norrington FTW!

May 25, 2007 22:02

Today's meeting should have lasted until 9pm, but it found an immediate end at 6pm because of a frantic phone call informing me that Oskar (cat, male, young, not the brightest pebble on the beach) had given in to his dellusions of eagledom and jump-dived out of the window (third floor). The garden was quite obviously not what he hoped it to be, so he demanded entrance into the shoe shop in the same building. The friendly sales-ladies wished to go home by 6.30pm and wisely decided that it wouldn't be a clever idea to let Oskar roam a place with leather shoes. So I ran out of the office, into a cab, picked up Oskar, told him off, thanked the ladies, then hugged him, kissed him and told him I'd sell him on ebay. He yawned and went to check out the food bowl. Why was it again that I have cats...?

Anyway, this little adventure allowed me to be home before the milk-man went on his way, and so I could check out the statistics for Joyful Molly. I've discussed some time ago (I think with galadhir?) how AWE might affect writing and popular pairings etc.

OK, I'm baffled. The following data is certainly not representative for every single website out there; after all, I write Norrington/Gillette and Norrington/Will, so it's highly unlikely somebody who'd be looking for "Jack the Monkey/Joe the Guineapig" would end up on my website.

But what I can compare is a) the number of hits the site usually gets, and b) the keywords people use in search engines.

In general, all variations of "pirates of the caribbean fanfic/slash" searches have doubled. The most looked-up keywords (or slight variations thereof) among the rest are:

Norrington slash (has trippled!)
Norrington Beckett slash
Norrington and Gillette
Lt. Groves
Cutler Beckett slash
Mr. Mercer Pirates of the Caribbean

I can assure you that neither his lordship nor Mr. Mercer usually figure very high in the search strings leading to my website...! Groves must have left quite an impression, but all that had to be expected after all I heard about AWE. But there are also twice as many people looking for Gillington! How does that come, I wonder? Gillette was not mentioned in AWE or the press or even outside of our tiny fandom corner - so why is Gillington suddenly back on the menue? Do people find Gillington by looking for something else first? That's something the stats don't tell.

And before anybody asks: no. I will not write Norrington / Cutler Beckett slash.

As for the increased traffic, here's a screencap:

A word of explanation first: since May 22, Joyful Molly has been down several times (my host had some technical problems). So if you take that into account, you can see that Mr. Norrington is very high in demand (I only copy/pasted the last few days, but it should give you a good idea).

OK, I have a tiny website and this can't compare in the least to popular sites or archives, but still, it makes me happy that a couple of hundred people out there were looking for Norrington. This sentiment very likely makes me residential geek of the week, but what the hey - celebrate the good where you can find it. :)

awe, website, norrington

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