Update on Alfie-Cat

Oct 20, 2014 00:07

A huge, huge thank you to all donors, supporters, well-wishers and nice people in general who made it possible that Alfie will get the treatment he needs!
Incredible, but true: CT, lab, biopsie AND surgery are financed!
And we also have a date:
Friday, 24th October 2014
Please keep all available thumbs, paws and claws crossed that everything will go well and things will improve for our wee Alfie. While I'm a nervous wreck, he's as calm as can be - as usual!

And here's the final list of donations:

The odd numbers are due to the exchange rate (EUR -> CHF).

As soon as CT and surgery are over, I'll report back and will provide a detailed list of the costs and the receipts.

Molly originally posted this entry at http://joyful-molly.dreamwidth.org/434603.html. You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.

cats, charity, alfie

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