Important: this evening, somebody donated EUR 400.00 for Alfie. While I'd be very happy about such a generous donation (who wouldn't!), I think that this was a typo, and should have been EUR 40.00. I don't know if the information that has a 14-day cancellation period for donations shows up when you make a donation, so here it is. I feel very uncomfortable with the thought that somebody might have given so much money away without noticing. Please don't worry, this can be fixed, please get in touch with
In case this was not a mistake and some very lovely person actually did make such a huge donation: consider yourself firmly hugged, squeezed and called whatever you like but George!
The same goes to all of you lovely people who so generously gave to this cause. Even if we leave the EUR 400.00 out of the calculation for the moment, CT and biopsy/lab costs are covered, and I'm sure we can drum up the rest somehow. That's absolutely fantastic, thank you all so, so much for your generosity, for sharing the news, signal boosting on LJ and Facebook, for your kind words and for helping Alfie in so many ways.
And here's an update on the situation. Yesterday, we finally got some sunshine, and of course Alfie was out on his favourite cushion, getting his spots tanned.
He wasn't allowed to sunbathe for too long, though, because we had an important appointment with the vet: pre-check for the big surgery! Luckily, Alfie is a real cool cat who doesn't get upset about anything, and while others behave as if they're driven off to slaughter when going for a vet visit (yes, I'm looking at you, Agatha and Brummie!), he takes a nap.
He was checked from snotty nose to tip of his tail, und declared fit and ready for surgery. That was a huge comfort for me; it's big surgery. Alfile didn't care, as long as he was provided with his favourite treats, "Dreamies" (and he always gets Dreamies from the vet; maybe that's why he likes going there!)
We've discussed the whole process, and it was decided that CT and everything else would be done at the veterinary clinic Aarau West, also surgery. The vet will send all documents there this week, and then we'll make an appointment for the end of October. Alfie did look a little uncomfortable when she mentioned something about "... and then we're going in throught the ear", though. Who could blame him!
Again, once again thanks so much for your fantastic support. I'm so happy for Alfie!
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