Red or curry... whaddayathink? (Warning: boring fashion stuff)

Nov 26, 2013 19:06

My winter jacket is one lose button short of a rag, so I have to invest in a new one. I decided to go for a parka. As I almost always wear skirts, I need something to keep my derrière warm, and I'm not a coat person.

The last winter was too dark and glum for me, and didn't do much good to my mood. So I decided to go for a bit of colour this time, at least parka-wise. And now I have to decide on a colour... I never have these problems with black stuff! Red or curry - which one should I take?

This is my new FREITAG bag (another VERY LUCKY day on an auction site! And I have a broken toe and am whinging, so I deserve it, waahaahaa...), which would go with both colours. Or not? Yes? No? Better with red? Or curry? Help!

Life is so much easier in black and white. *sigh*

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