Gallery: Damian O'Hare as Declan Toole in "Hell On Wheels", Episode "The Game"

Aug 25, 2013 21:31

Now that’s what I call a cliffhanger. And judging by the preview, “Searchers” will not be an overly pleasant episode for Mr Toole.
As characters played by Damian O’Hare end up dead in 40% of cases, we have good reason to be a wee bit worried about his fate…
The gallery for episode 4 of Hell on Wheels, “The Game”, is now online:

This week’s “quote of the day” is coming yet again from; read their full review here.

It’s a credit to the handsome Damian O’Hare that his ominous scene as Declan Toole with the raw Eva edged on swoon-worthy romance, and provided just enough “What if?”-style sympathy to support her debating whether or not going with him would be the right thing to do. She’s a great character whose own earned standards dictate how she feels, and it’s completely believable that with the pressures of a community she hopes to join, she’d recognize Mr. Toole’s care as something to be valued enough to feel guilt over.

And what has the internet to say about Damian O’Hare / Declan Toole? (courtesy Twitter and the AMC boards)

To the following, however, I can only say "no no no, the hell the no!"

No beards. Beards bad. Razor good.

Molly originally posted this entry at You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.

damian o'hare, hell on wheels, caps, tv

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