Because Oprah shouldn't be the only one with an audience.

Aug 11, 2013 01:15

Here's a rough translation of the statement of the salesperson who, according to Oprah Winfrey, didn't want to sell her an expensive handbag because said salesperson was being racist.

The Gods know this country is xenophobic and racist at times, but both sides should be heard, and Oprah isn't right just because she has a huge audience. So here's a rough translation of the salesperson's side of the incident.


What did you do?
I went to a display cabinet und showed her one of those Jennifer-Aniston-bags, which are very popular. I explained to her, that these bags are available in various sizes and materials, just as I always do. She looked at a shelf behind me. High on the top shelf, the CHF 35000 crocodile handbag was on display. I told her that it was the same bag like the one I just held in my hand, just far more expensive, and that I was happy to show her other bags.

Oprah Winfrey said on US TV, you didn't give her the bag for racist reasons.
That's absolutely not true! I even asked her if she wanted to have a closer look at the bag. Mrs Winfrey looked around the shop, but didn't say anything anymore. Then she went with her companion to the floor below. My colleague held the door open for them. They weren't in our shop for even five minutes.

You are said to have told her: "You don't want to see that bag. It's too expensive. You can't afford it", Winfrey says.
That's not true. That's absurd. I'd never say something like that to a customer. Really not! Good manners and politeness are the A and O in this business.

So why is Oprah Winfrey making such accusations then?
I don't know! She's so powerful, and I'm just a salesperson. I haven't hurt anybody. I also don't understand why she has to waltz this out on TV. If everything had happened the way she says, why didn't she complain with Trudie Götz [owner of the shop] the next day at Tina Turner's wedding? My boss was there as a guest as well. I don't understand it.

Trudie Götz says, this had been just a misunderstanding...
Yes. I've talked English with Mrs Winfrey. My English is ok, but not excellent, unfortunately.

Did you know who you were serving?
No, I didn't recognise Oprah Winfrey. But it wouldn't have made a difference. We are really putting great care into treating all people with the same respect and treat everybody equally. If somebody asks me if they can see an item, I always show it to them. I'm proud when I can sell an item. It's an honour for me if I can sell a lovely piece, it means I'm good at my job.

How long are you working for Trudie Götz?
Five years. Before that, I've worked in Italy in a well-known boutique. I studied fashion design. I've spent almost all of my life in this world. I love my job.

Do you have many foreign customers?
Yes. More than fifty percent of our shop's customers are international. They come from all over the world. I never had problems so far.

So you're not a racist?
Absolutely not! I'm Italian, why should I of all people discriminate somebody for their origin? That makes no sense!

How often do you sell bags for CHF 35000?
Maybe a handful per year. This bag is very exclusive.

What would you do differently today?
I think and think and still don't know. Because I still don't know what I've done wrong.

What would you say to Oprah Winfrey?
I would apologise, it was a misunderstanding. I definitely didn't want to insult Mrs Winfrey intentionally. I hope this nightmare will have an end soon.


My thoughts? For the life of me I can't imagine that any American, no matter of what anchestry, in mink coat or flip flops, would be treated in a luxury shop the way Oprah Winfrey said. Those shops couldn't exist without wealthy expats and tourists. Had this happened in a "regular" shop I would't rule such an incident out; customer service here is notoriously bad, and sometimes salespeople treat foreigners or people who look like they don't have much money very rudely. But in a Tom Ford boutique? No way.

Having said that, I don't think Oprah lied. I think the story she told was how she perceived the incident. That doesn't mean it was what actually happened, though. I wish they'd re-enact the incident, in a role play. That might solve the problem.

The reaction here by officials was predictable: outrage and aplogies, nobody cared to listen to the salesperson, because Oprah is famous, Oprah is rich, so Oprah must be right. At the same time, the same lot demand that asylum seekers shouldn't be allowed to use the public pools. But it's probably easier to discuss handbags.

Meanwhile, the rest of the country asked "Who is Oprah?" and then got outraged about people spending so much money on handbags and wtf poor crocodiles... edited to add: and baking.

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racism, one of those issues

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