Bounty a Victim of Hurrican Sandy, two People missing

Oct 29, 2012 19:30

It’s with great sadness that we’ve learned of the sinking of the Bounty off the coast of North Carolina, making her a victim of Hurricane Sandy. Fourteen people were rescued by the Coast Guard; two, Capt. Walbridge and Claudene Christian, are unfortunately still reported missing.

Bounty was a replica of the famous original HMS Bounty built in 1784, and was featured in both the 1962 movie with Marlon Brando and in two Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

Everybody sailing on the Joyful Molly is sending out much love to the brave people of the Bounty; we hope with all our hearts that the two people missing will be found and returned to their loved ones safe and unharmed.

Please stay safe, everybody in the path of Sandy.

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rescource, 18th century, ships, news, tall ships

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