Meme: Guess the pairings!

Feb 24, 2012 09:04

Pilfered from corrielle .

Think of up to 10 ships you support. List them using descriptions of the characters involved rather than their names. Have your followers guess as many of the ships as they can; Fandom hints will be given if asked in the replies.

1. The Nephew and the Actress - George Pinnock/Luisa Calderon, Garrow's Law (guessed by eveiya )
2. The Scribe and the Warrior - Erestor/Glorfindel, LotR/Silmarillion (guessed by jaiden_s  and aperfectdot )
3. The Toff and the Snark - Norrington/Gillette, PotC (guessed by alex_beecroft )
4. The Hacker and the Gun - Garcia/Morgan, Criminal minds (guessed by Mrs. C.)
5. The Needle and the Brain
6. The Tar and the Pirate
7. The Creature and the Vampire
8. The Curly and the Jacket
9. The Beauty and the Barrister - Sarah/Garrow, Garrow's Law (guessed by classics_lover )
10. The Witch and the Synthezoid

I'll update the post with answers as we go. For clues, post a comment. Hint: above covers more than one medium. ;-)

Molly originally posted this entry at You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.

meme, fandom

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