A heavy case of Schadenfreude: the fooled neo nazis

Aug 10, 2011 16:26

The following is a stroke of genius from EXIT, a German anti-fascist organisation which helps people from the neo nazi scene to leave that swamp of ignorance, stupidity and butt ugly Thor Schweinar sweaters.

Some weeks before a neo nazi rock festival, a "generous donour" sent 250 t-shirts to the promoters, as a present for the visitors. That would be the t-shirt on the left. It said

"Hardcore Rebels - national and free"

Just the type of poxy rubbish that the crowd at such a concert would like. Of course, the t-shirts flew off the table, and everybody was happy, until...

... they washed their t-shirts (yes, I was surprised as well, I didn't think they'd be bright enough to know how to operate a washing machine, but anyway). The original "print" disappeared, and instead, they had a t-shirt saying

"Your t-shirt can do it, so can you - we'll help you to get away from right-wing extremism"

plus the Exit logo and the url.


I herewith blow you a kiss, good people at Exit, for your genius "Operation Trojan T-Shirt".
(And a raspberry for you, Lonsdale lunks).

Molly originally posted this entry at http://joyful-molly.dreamwidth.org/336186.html. You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.

racism, politics, one of those issues

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