Earthquake and tsunami in Japan

Mar 11, 2011 09:04

Oh my Gods, they've just showed a video of the tsunami on TV, well, one of the tsunamis, because they expect more. No way this has only claimed one life so far, you can see cars driving on the street when the wave hits them. This is a major, major disaster. From the Guardian:

"Dr Roger Musson, an earthquakes expert at the British Geological Survey, tells the BBC this is the sixth largest earthquake it has recorded [since 1900]. Compared to the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand, "this earthquake is thousands of times bigger, this is really huge". Aftershocks will continue for weeks, he predicts."


NZ, China, now this - Mother Nature is terrifying at the moment. I don't think there is anything that scares me more than earthquakes and tsunamis. 8.9 magnitude! I can't even imagine how strong that is! I hope that people had enough time to flee to safety. My thoughts go out to the people in Japan; that's so scary.

Edited: the Red Cross has issued a serious warning that the tsunami could be higher than many islands in the Pacific. Even if there should be enough time to evacuate people from these islands, their homes will be completely destroyed. People in Hawaii are currently evacuated, and now Japan has declared a state of nuclear emergency... I have no words.

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