Fellow POTC author is looking for a beta

Feb 13, 2011 21:50

aletheiafelinea is looking for a beta reader. Can one of you lovely people help them out?

They are writing "PotC near-to-canon fics, mostly gap-fillers, similar to the linked here, focused on Jack & Piratey Co. Can be called Gen." Their multichapter is a crime story. Ratings: very likely nothing above PG-13.

if anybody on my f-list would like to give it a try, please leave a note for aletheiafelinea in their entry here.

Cheers! :-)

Molly originally posted this entry at http://joyful-molly.dreamwidth.org/300082.html. You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.

potc, community, fandom

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