Best opinion piece about the death of Tyler Clementi I've read so far

Oct 05, 2010 18:31

Among all the hypocritical hand-wringing from politicians, journalists and psychologists who milk this for all it's worth, out of all the shameless hijacking of this tragedy by homophobes, technophobes, religious and political wingnuts from all corners, this opinion piece is special because it was written by somebody who actually knew the lad, and because it's honest. Wish there was more like this.

by Cresonia Hsieh

It's easy to point fingers at technology now - the internet is a tool, and if those using it have no conscience and no morals, it can become a deadly weapon. Stop hunting pixels and bytes; go after those who abuse them to torment others. And when it comes to bullies, I'd throw the whole miserable lot of cowards who watched the streamed video in the dock as well, along with the two main culprits. They are just as guilty.

Bullying is like fighting weeds; if you don't get to the roots, it will always return.

OT: Is LJ only down for me or other people as well? All I get are blank pages...

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