Charity Auction: Update and Reminder

Aug 20, 2010 08:05

Good news: there's now a community on LJ which runs charity auctions for the victims of the floods in Pakistan. Fanfic, audiomixes, food, arts, services - just like with Help Haiti. You can find the community here: help_pakistan

And because it's Friday and I'm a pest like that, I'll bump my own charity auction here on LJ:

Help the flood victims in Pakistan and win your own Age if Sail ghost story!
Written by Emma Collingwood - as an audio file, read by myself. It will be one of the stories in "The Radiant Boy"; an old-fashioned ghost story set in the Age of Sail.  You'll get my strange accent for free, and I'll throw in some choccies as well.

A big thank you to the lovely souls who already placed a bid. The deadline is 31st August, so there's still plenty of time to secure this unique item (and the choccies!) for yourself. ;-)

Please spread the word, every penny counts. Thanks! :)

charity, age of sail, emma, radiant boy, writing, books

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