Every household needs a Norrington. Or a Turner.

Aug 05, 2010 01:20

Remember when we all complained that there was no Norrington action figure / doll portraying him in uniform?

To say that Tonner Dolls are a bit late with their collection is an understatement. On the plus side, Will Turner is on sale, and can be yours for only $ 129.99. However, not-Norrington-looking-Norrington will set you back $ 209.99.

More information here.

You can see more pictures of Norrington (he's got Barbie-curls, I'm not joking!) and read a review about the doll here. It contains gems like "didn't all British born before 1900 wear powdered wigs?" (yes, Churchill never went out without his wig!), "Norrington is an ancillary character, and he's not played by a recognizable actor" plus, my personal favourite, "I think $209.99 is tough for a secondary character - especially one that's as milquetoast as Captain Norrington."



I demand a Gillette doll. Now. If only to keep my Daleks company or poke the reviewer with a pointy stick (though I agree about the price).

willington, potc, norrington, art, fandom

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