Molly's Monstrous May Meme (MMMM): DAYS 19 + 20

May 24, 2010 13:17

This meme is a spawn of hell. Folks, how on earth did you all manage to get through this in time?! I always seem to be behind schedule. And even this means I barely manage to reply to comments or other people's entries.

Friends, next time I decide to do a writing meme, please kick my backside and lock me up.

List of all questions

DAY 19: "Favorite minor [character] that decided to shove himself into the spotlight and why!"

Sebastian Quinn. Originally, he was the mandatory love rival that you need to add some conflict and tension to an otherwise happy relationship. He had some good lines, but that was it.

Next thing I knew, he took over the book. It happens. No point in crying, all you can do in such a case is to run with it and try not to sound too much like a lunatic if you tell people about it.

"And that's a good thing - how?" I think this happens once in a lifetime. I might never enjoy this sort of writing experience and character development again, so I enjoy it while it lasts.

DAY 20: "What are your favorite character interactions to write?"

BANTER! DIALOGUES! I love writing dialogues. Writing a battle scene or describing a location is walking up a hill, carrying a heavy rucksack; writing dialogues is the ice cream you'll get once you arrive on the top (fiore di latte, in case you wondered).

The following is an excerpt from "Semi-Detached", by contribution to the "I DO" anthology in support of LAMBDA. It's available on Amazon, and yes, this is a not-so-subtle hint that you could buy it. I wrote the story specially for the anthology, using the characters from PSCL in their modern setting. This is Sebastian arguing with Thomas about gay marriage.

"Look who's talking! Tell you what, next time you go to the pub wearing the wrong club colours, one of your fellow cavemen might break your neck. You'd be wheeled off to the hospital, a vegetable for the rest of your life, and James the man wouldn't be allowed to visit, because I'm pretty sure that gobshite who's your brother wouldn't let him anywhere near you. The law would be on his side, because James is not family. So your old folks could hold a big funeral service for your atheist arse, with a vicar and everything else you never wanted, and just to piss you off, they could ask people to donate to Christian Voice in your honour. Or, God forbid, Manchester United."

pscl, meme, mmmm, writing

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