Motem/meta: radical feminism and JackDav/Bloomsy cheer-up post

Mar 29, 2008 13:09

Not to cheer up Jack Davenport or Bloomsy (don't think they currently need to be cheered-up, and if they do, I'm sure there are other volunteers) but me. My blocked nose turned out to be a "suppurative frontal sinusitis" (thank you, LEO), and it's about as raspberry blowing as it reads like. If you need the ugly details, I'm sure that lineae will be more than happy to provide them. With charts. And a ppt presentation. So I shall retract soon to Miss C.'s flat (I'm looking after the cats while she's with her parents), armed with This Life, Coupling and a big mug of tea.

One day I'll write an essay about the positive health effects of watching Jack Davenport (you'd be amazed what healing effects one episode of Coupling can have on the flu!) or the influence of Orlando-Bloom-Smoking-A-Cigar-Pictures on the female psyche while under influence of chocolate, considering the special effects if large helpings of pasta al'forno have been consumed previously.

It would be about as scientifically based as the currently discussed essay - pardon, "essay", how slash writing is succumbing to patriarchy and why... who.. what... oh hell. Can't this woman just get out of my gender? I wish they would, if men really were as monstrous as this person thinks they are, they'd sure deserve having to put up with these representatives of the female gender who do not representative me at all. A good thing we have this separation here between the term "feminist" (positive) and "Emanze" (negative, see examples cited above). So the word "feminism" managed to survive radical feminism relatively unharmed.

Interesting to see how many people take these two essays... articles... thingies so serious. Folks, don't bother replying to the two ladies/women/female persons, they delete any reply they don't like and pretend you don't exist, which is such a great way to hold a discussion and so incredibly - male? Hey, hey, hey! I think I'm on something there! Can I throw out the radical idea that they are actually two blokes with anti-feminist issues who try to make feminists look bad? Pictures of their boobs or I don't believe they are real!

I write slash because I love it and have fun with it. I sleep with men for the same reasons. Deal with it. Cheeyaz.

So, with my radical feminist statement out of the way, now to some of pictures I've found on my harddisk. I can't remember what they were about, but they sure are fun. Orlando Bloom being silly, always a good thing, especially as the first picture sort of represents my thoughts regarding the above-discussed matter really well...

Heh. You didn't think I wouldn't post a picture of Sparky, did you...

Off to bed. *sneeze*

meta, bloomsy, jack davenport, motems

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