Jun 25, 2005 09:36
Wow so this is vent time.
Amy Stanley may not be able to come over now because of her sister*s graduation. I am so not mad at her but I need her today especially after how down I was last night. She will wipe out all the sadness in an instant cause she is always been able to. I remember one time at gymnastics I just broke down & started bawling & she started crawling around & was meowing & acting like a cat for some reason, & it just was too random not to smile. I was supposed to go to bed all early last night but I stayed up till 1 playing guitar & I was like 'eh I still have time to sleep' but I woke up to my little sister throwing a hissy fit & I had to calm her down. My Mom is taking so much out on me because I am home more now & I get along with my Aunt & Uncle & she is insanely mad that I do. I am really lonely & I am trying so hard just to be okay. And surprisingly I realized I was really not thinking about all the past & I was proud of myself. But then I started getting that loneliness inside of me again. That yearning for that happiness I have only experienced a few times in my entire life. And I realized yesterday that every thought in my head is going through someone elses' head but the complete opposite. I guess if you understood it would make perfect sense. But these days nothing in life is making a bit of sense. The good thing is I am going away on Monday to clear my thoughts. And then I am seeing DMB which will make me feel all the better. Plus tomorrow I am going to a concert with Sarah & Sam. I guess life could be worse but I feel so terrible. Gotta make the best of what*s around.