He's currently in the psych ward at Strong Memorial. He's allowed visitors, and visiting hours are from 3-4 and from 6-8 on weekdays. We don't know how long he's going to be there.
So, I got out of the shower this morning to find a suicide note left out for me.
I called the cops, and they got there in time, but it was still really hard. I ran panicked through the woods behind our apartment for a while, after I called 911. I couldn't remember if we had 4 bundles of rope or 5 bundles of rope, so I didn't know if he had any on him. And I couldn't remember where all the knives were, so I didn't know if he had one on him.
The police officer confiscated his phone, iPod and headphones, when he took the knife away from from, and he told Josh he'd give them to me. But he didn't so tomorrow I have to try and get them back from the cops.
I also need to mail out this huge eBay auction he just closed on, because it has to go out by Thursday, or he'll lose the $600, but I don't have the cash to ship the box, without cracking into my emergency money.
Hopefully when he gets home, he'll be able to pay me back.
I spent some time in the hospital with him today, and then I came home.
I decided to watch Glee to relax, and guess what happened?
A character attempted suicide. And they showed a lot. It was incredibly triggery episode. I just sort of broke down sobbing and didn't stop for about an hour.
And then I decided to listen to some music, I put my iTunes on shuffle, and I swear to God the second song that played was "Suicide is Painless" by Johnny Mandel.
I am having a hell of a night. I've got a nasty cold, and possibly the beginnings of bronchitis, so I'm gonna take some cold medicine and go to bed early.
I hope the cop calls back early about Josh's stuff. I left him a message.