Fests, fests everywhere!

Jul 12, 2012 17:26

It's Kink Bingo time again! This is my second favorite challenge of the year, after Yuletide. It's amazing how much insight I can get into a character or pairing by figuring out how they'd approach a kink or scenario (see: the first several Spock/Uhura fics I wrote).

spaces scenes and settings
prostitution / sex work
bites / bruises

sensory deprivation
rough body play
vanilla kink
objectification kink
subspace / headspace

double penetration
drugs / aphrodisiacs

animal play
emotion play

medical kink
bondage (other)

body alteration / injury
chastity devices
spanking / paddling
torture / interrogation

(One of the silly things about Kink Bingo I like is that they provide you with a bunch of icons to put in your wildcard square. Why have your standard black-and-white photo of a girl in a collar when you can have human-robot snuggling?)

This year I actually started writing a fic before I even got my card, hoping that I'd get torture/interrogation but figuring I could fit it into another square if need be, and lo! I got the prompt I wanted. It dovetails nicely with my idea for body alteration/injury, which is going to serve as a standalone sequel. They are both Natasha/Loki, and have the dubious honor of being some of the darkest things I've ever written. I've done KB for three years, and this is the first time I've written anything that isn't RACK. It's kind of strange for me.

(This is the part where I go into vague detail about non-con scenarios, so fair warning.)

I...am not sure how well they're going to go over, though. I've finished the first one, and about 90% of it has no porn and instead is Natasha fucking with Loki using drugs and emotional manipulation for interrogation purposes (it makes sense in context, okay), and the second, while unfinished, is 5000 words of Natasha trying to escape from/kill Loki after he kidnaps her in retaliation, with (currently) about 500 words of sex, and perhaps not enough focus on the body alteration/injury (forced pregnancy, in this case) part of it. I've used the prompt more for plot than for kink. Does it count if one character is into it but the POV character and the general tone of the fic is all "OH GOD GET THIS THING OUT OF ME"?

Writing the fight scenes is pretty fucking fun, though, gotta say.

(Warning section over!)

To counteract all that, I've got an outline for some exceedingly fluffy Darcy/Jane for the pervertibles square, set pre-Thor - something about cool water and makeshift paper fans in the New Mexican summer without A/C - and some loving if a little angsty "Natalie Rushman"/Pepper for chastity devices. Possibly Natasha/Pepper for spanking/paddling. Not sure about that one, though - it might end up being too much of an angst fest. I really like the idea of Natasha being badass and overly protective of Pepper while Pepper takes care of her, but I'm not 100% sure I can fit that in with my preferred Natasha characterization.

So that's the bottom horizontal line. I'm thinking about trying the center vertical, too; I want to try my hand at writing guro, since it's not something that's even occurred to me before, and vanilla kink is made for Phèdre/Joscelin - the woman blessed by the gods to be a masochist and the man who can't stand hurting anyone sexually? It's perfect! And canon, to boot! IIRC, there's a lovely scene somewhere in the first series where Joscelin scatters roses with thorns on the bed so Phèdre can get her masochist on while having completely vanilla sex. Hell, maybe I'll write meta on them. Neither of them are my favorite characters, but they're one of the most believable couples I've read and I love their relationship.

The wildcard square I might use for dress-up, and write Darcy/Pepper. There's a piece of fanon floating around where Pepper takes Darcy under her wing and teaches her how to be the best damn PA in the world/run a company(/run the world), and I'd love to write one where Pepper takes her shopping and treats her like a doll before they have cute sex wearing Louboutins and other high-end designers. (Oh, just let me indulge in my fashion addiction.) Guro I might be able to fill using weird Star Trek aliens - I'll need to do some research on that; I know I won't go the vore route, but there's other things I could do - and I have an old Anthea/Sally Sherlock fic languishing in my WIPs folder that I could use for pictures. It would probably remain completely PG-13, though, because I don't remember where I was going with that in the slightest.

And that just leaves another spanking/paddling square, which would make it the third fic with that prompt I've written. Won't lie, I'm getting a little tired of it. I think I need to find a way to put a new spin on things, but browsing the Kink Wiki isn't giving me any ideas. Any thoughts on that would be lovely!

....if I manage to get two bingos done this year, I will be so proud of myself, you have no idea. Ten fics in four months! That's more productive than I've been in the past year.

And now, two questions:

1) Anybody planning to participate in rarepairfest? If so, what fandoms/pairings have you signed up for? I'm still contemplating signing up, myself.

2) I'm thinking about moving all my journaling back to
tristesses (while still crossposting to LJ, of course); I rarely write about my personal life here, and when I do I lock and filter it, so using two journals is a little bulky. I'm just worried about annoying people who originally friended me for my fic. What do you guys think about authors who use their writing journals for their (erratically-posted) RL and brainstorming posts?

Or, you could reply at Dreamwidth, where this post has
excellent comments.

+fandom: writing

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