Dec 25, 2010 20:41
Ok, someone around here was dreaming of a white Christmas, and I want to know who the h*ll it was. Because this is not cool. (No, it's bloody cold.) My mom got in early this afternoon, while it was still slushy rain, but we were planning on having two friends over for dinner, and decided to cancel due to uncertain road conditions. Bah, humbug. Talk all you want about nostalgia and picturesqueness (is that a word? spell check is ok with it), but Currier and Ives didn't have to drive in this stuff.
I did go to the Christmas Eve service at UUCA. We'd put Z down for a nap quite late, and he was still sleeping when it was time to get ready to go, so Aaron stayed home so I could go on my own. Next year we really have to make this a family tradition, though. I had a great time singing the Hallelujah Chorus. I stood w/ the choir so I could sing with other altos, and was pretty proud that I pulled it off--it's been about 10 years since I sang it last. There was a reading from the Santaland Diaries, a bunch of traditional carols (with UU amendments to the lyrics), and my favorite part (aside from the Hallelujah Chorus), the candlelight ritual. I like to take my glasses off so the people disappear and all I can see are the puffballs of light blossoming along the rows. After three verses of Silent Night, when everyone blows out their candles, I get the effect in reverse. I'm sure there's something deeply symbolic about this, but I haven't figured out yet what it is.
We just finished our traditional holiday lasagna dinner, and Mom is playing with Z in front of the Christmas tree. To all a good night.