I Knew It, I Just Knew It

Dec 22, 2008 19:53

I knew I couldn't make it through the holiday season without some uncomfortable medical issue. Last year was the pregnancy, the year before was my eye surgery, and before that was the root canal. This year I figured Z's ear infection and the messy side effects to the amoxicillan would cover that base for me, but no. It had to be something horrible and uncomortable happening directly to *me* or it apparently didn't count.

Sometime yesterday afternoon, I noticed a nagging "something in my eye!" feeling in the eye that had the corneal transplant. This happens from time to time, but it usually goes away on its own. When I woke up this morning and it was still bothering me, I called my ophthomlogist in Atlanta, who said, "hm, sounds like you popped a stitch, you'd better get that checked out."

Well, that sounded thoroughly unpleasant. Remember, I'm in St. Louis this week, visiting the in-laws. So I had to call around to several different doctors before I could find one who could take me on short notice. Sure enough, I did have broken stitches. Now, for those of you who've tuned in late to my adventures, I had a corneal transplant operation in January of 2006. This involved many yucky details I won't go into here, and left me with a ring of stitches around the new cornea. The doctor who did the original surgery opted to leave them in, since the cornea was healing nicely on its own. But the nylon the sutures are made of doesn't last forever, and someday it has to be removed. That day was today.

The details of the surgery may have been yucky, but at least I got to have lots of drugs and sleep through it. For today's yucky details, all I got was numbing and dilation drops, and I got to be wide awake! Yay! Bright lights! Sharp instruments! All pointed in my eye! How much holiday cheer is *that*, I ask you??

So now I'm on antibiotic drops, with orders to follow up with my ophthamologist when we get home. It has been suggested (not by the doctor) that the problem is that I got my new cornea from a convicted serial killer, so now I have an evil eye. While I think this would be kind of cool, I think it's just One of Those Things that Happens.

christmas, holidays, st. louis, eyes, health

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