on SPN 4.20 "The Rapture"

May 07, 2009 21:58


This particular Thursday is a week after 4.20 aired. Not having a TV at my school residence, however, I don't see episodes until at least the Monday after, and having seen the 4.20 previews ("angel-on-angel violence", Castiel's vessel "Jimmy!") I wanted to watch it at a "good" time, without things being due or whatever the next day. So this Happy Thursday is my 4.20 Happy Thursday.

Okee dokey. The previews already had me shrieking, so, I am expecting to be very, erm, emotionally invested in this episode. OK! *deeeeeep breath* And... [play]!

Dean ... fishing! And... looking happy, heaving a satisfied sigh! *________* This must be a dream! Dream ... is it such a nice dream for Dean because of Castiel?! And Castiel's going to go missing in this episode, OKAY I'M A MESS ALREADY, THIS IS RIDICULOUS.

... *wingbeat sound* OMG I was totally right! :D CASTIEL!!!!! ♥♥♥

HAHA, look at Dean's exasperated look as he realizes this is a dream. Come on, Dean, when in your real life do you ever get to sit around in such a nice place and while away the day fishing?! Do you even FISH?! :D :D :D

Castiel looks SO, SO STRESSED. Poor him! (But I'm not surprised, because he's appeared progressively more stressed, with darker shadows under his eyes, as the season has progressed - in fact, during 4.18, I seriously wondered if Misha Collins was, I dunno, depriving himself of sleep for the role or something.)

Brothers with flashlights! YAY! But OMG THIS, this is the place in the previews isn't it?! *______* eeeeeeee!

Sam says "looks like a bomb went off" - WELL YEAH, that's how it would look if angelic superiors came after Castiel wouldn't it?! T__________T

*flaility-flail as Sam and Dean wonder out loud what happened*

Sam: So, what? Cas was fighting angels? EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! *FLAIL FLAIL FLAIL*

OMG Castiel.

I mean *FLAIL* thank goodness I saw all this in the previews already otherwise I'd have to hit pause every second here.

May I point out how Sam asks Jimmy "Who's me?" - not overly aggressive but definitely trying to figure out what's going on - and in contrast, how Dean looks so very suspicious, and doesn't ask at all about the vessel but instead demands, "Where the hell is Castiel?"

HAHAHA, no concern for the vessel whatsoever. >:D It's like Dean instinctively resents the vessel for Castiel not being around. And it's only a few seconds of a scene, but... to me, it seems like a big turnaround from 4.01 when he accused Castiel angrily of "possessing some poor bastard."

UH. UMMM. @____@ ... ... ....... AH HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!

Dean's natural diction includes "angina" instead of just chest pain! I ♥♥♥ this! (What's next, Dean, are you going to tell Jimmy he could give himself a myocardial infarction?! :D :D :D)

Sam's look. SO TIRED. Sam is very much the grownup in this scene, poor Sam! XD

Dean's look. So skeptical, so ... SO DEAN. XD

Brotherly discussion. Sam and Dean, Dean and Sam. Makes me HAPPY! ^_____^

HEEEE, I love Mr. Collins' acting when Dean and Sam return to tell Jimmy he's got to stay. Totally the "you guys are crazy!" kind of vibe, hahaha! And, I would like nothing better than for Dean and Sam and Castiel to become a real band-of-brothers, bickering and all, so even though it's Jimmy here, I love the three of them arguing. Especially Dean, then Sam, both try to talk Jimmy into not leaving ... hooookAAAAYYYY I... LOOOOOVE THIS SCENE.

Oh, no, Sam, what are you thinking, where are you going? But, Cas - I mean, Jimmy, cracking an eye open! *delight*

OMG Sam, you have bottled demon blood now? POOR SAM!!!!!! T________T

Okay, was this kind of thing (PUTTING ONE'S ARM IN BOILING WATER) what Castiel was talking about in 4.01 when he said it's hard to find a vessel durable enough? Durable in faith. Yikes. I mean, I completely respect people who really believe, but... this is the kind of thing that gets people locked into mental hospitals. And it looks like Jimmy's wife doesn't think he's got all his marbles either...

But LOOK! ♥♥♥ Jimmy COOKS! And look how finely those peppers were chopped! ♥♥♥

Ok, I'm :/ that Anna has to be involved in this at all but, LOLOL at Dean's reaction! :D

Dean: You look terrific.
Anna: Um... yeah, not the most appropriate time, Dean.

Um. I think Dean was being sarcastic. I... am trying to remain unbiased but.... to heck with that! GET OVER YOURSELF!~~~~@as;ldkfj;oais!!!! >:/

[EDIT]: Ok, upon rewatching, specifically Dean, it does seem Dean really meant it. I was mistaken. I'm sorry, but I AM BIASED, yes I am. >_<

UM. Anna saying something "painfully, awfully bad" happened to Castiel... ???!!! HOW ABOUT PAINFULLY AWFULLY BAD DICTION?! (*forcefully reminds self: it's not her fault, it's not her fault, it's just the writing, just the writing!) I MEAN, DEAN SAID "ANGINA" EARLIER JUST AS NATURALLY AS YOU PLEASE, and THIS is all the level of vocabulary we can manage for her?! Not her fault not her fault...!

However, I would find it easier to ... be less biased, if she'd STOP TELLING THEM they shouldn't have let Jimmy go and blah blah blah, Sam already feels guilty enough! Don't make him feel even more, to borrow aforementioned words, painfully awfuller and badder! >:(

Ooh, pretty snow-covered plants. OOOH, Castiel, I mean Jimmy, in a snow-covered scene! Just like in 4.16! In fact, in this scene, he looks disturbingly Castiel-like, not just with the trenchcoat back on but also... that look as he walks back up to the house... T___T

"I just want to come home again." Oh. Oh oh oh. This ... this is the first moment I really feel for Jimmy. Not Sam, not Dean, not Castiel. Just Jimmy. And dinner = sandwiches and milk! How very.... wholesome, this family, awwww ♥♥♥ !!!

But this, this... not saying grace, this .... OMG, this crying, because he's HAPPY.

OMG. T___________T


OMG nosy neighbor is a demon! I KNEW I DIDN'T LIKE YOU!


And... everyone rides off in the Impala. Whew!

Dean saying "vivisection ... if they're feeling generous" - this makes me think of Dean and his time in Hell. POOR DEAN!

Sam's "LEAVE YOUR FAMILY FOREVER OR JUST PUT A BULLET IN YOUR HEAD" speech. Oh GAWD. POOR SAM! And just watch Dean's expression as he listens to his little brother SAY these things!

OMG Jimmy's wife is wonderful!!! After such a shock, and such danger, she apologizes to Jimmy. So absolute in her support of him now. And they're LAUGHING together about demons AWWWW!!! I want Castiel back, but ... I DON'T WANT THEM TO SPLIT UP. T_______T

"You just have to get as far away from me as you can." Oh, oh oh oh oh! I love you, so you have to leave, and never look back. I LOVE THIS STORYLINE!!!!

UM. SHE's possessed too?! OK despite that, I'm going to take all that previous Jimmy-Amelia interaction as TOTALLY IN CHARACTER for them, and take it as the demon just popping into control when Jimmy leaves.

Oh, Jimmy's anger at Castiel. POOR JIMMY. (And poor Castiel, who gets lots of people mad at him for not being able to do enough.)

Castiel possessing the little girl! GENIUS!!!! And oh, look at him go! LOOK AT HIM, I MEAN HER, EXORCISING DEMONS! HOORAY CAPABLE!CASTIEL IS BACK!!!!!

Yikes, Sam with the demon blood again! And goodness, DEAN JUST LOOKING AT HIM! T______________T

This young actress playing Claire is quite good, I think! When Jimmy says "take me, just take me" - there's this twist in her expression, which suggested a sense of compassion, of being moved - OH, PERFECT. For the characterization of Castiel, just PERFECT! The entire sequence while Castiel "is" the little girl... WONDERFUL, I LOVED IT. This is actually very reassuring to me, because it's the first time we've seen Castiel as not-Misha-Collins. It was Mr. Collins' delivery, initially, that intrigued me about Castiel the character. However, though I definitely think no one but Mr. Collins can pull off Castiel nearly as well, this turn of Castiel's convinced me that yes, I LOVE not only Misha-Collins-as-Castiel but CASTIEL THE CHARACTER. ^____________^ Because everything "she" says to Jimmy? OMG, I LOVED. LOVED LOVED LOVED. Even though I felt very sorry for Jimmy. But there was Castiel, back, as steadfast as ever, as serious about the mission and honest about the consequences as ever, telling the hard truths, not sugar-coating at all ... yet also, so very compassionate; it all echoes back to 4.01, this mix of empathy and unwavering adherence to duty, to the bigger picture... everything about Castiel here. JUST. WAS WONDERFUL.

But speaking of the bigger picture... Castiel tells Dean, "I learned my lesson. I serve Heaven, not humans. And certainly not you." OH. WHAT...?

What lessons? What were the manner of these lessons? PLOT BUNNIES!!!!!

... Bobby and Dean lock Sam up! @____@ OMG the preview looks AWFUL. You know, in the wonderful way. EEEEEE!!!!!

About Sam and Dean and just who gets to call Castiel "Cas"

Ok, from all the previews and the episode itself, I. LOVE. that Sam is so concerned. He's not angry, he's not rolling his eyes at having to help angels. Instead he seems, you know, genuinely concerned about Cas. And, yeah, he calls Castiel "Cas," just like Dean does. I don't know why but this, well, I ♥♥♥.

In contrast, Anna calling Castiel "Cas" ... still irks me as if I had fur rubbed the wrong way or something. :/ I'm trying not to be unreasonable about this; I just think Sam and Dean should be the only ones using that nickname... (And now Jimmy's saying it... though, if anyone has earned the right to call Castiel anything he/she wants, then Jimmy has...) unless it's like Uriel in 4.16, using it almost in a sarcastic way. Because really, Dean and Sam are the only ones for whom it seems in-character.

And now for some rambly setting/camera shot pseudo-analysis:

The Dean-fishing dream setting: is the nicest setting we've seen him and Castiel in, with the possible exception of the park scene. The idyllic scenery, the fishing, it all speaks of ... stillness. I mean, fishing = waiting, and being okay with waiting - the polar opposite of what the angels have been pushing Dean to do and what Sam wants to do lately: to take action, to move forward, to push on.

Also, the colors - it's not a happy-sunny-bright palette but it's still the warmest setting, in terms of colors, that I can remember for any Dean-and-Castiel scene. And yet it's precisely these colors that make it look like autumn, which suggests an inherent melancholy. So, nice as it is, it's kind of saddening... especially if you interpret this as the typical kind of dream Castiel gives Dean, to block out the nightmares, because what does that say about Castiel and his understanding of "nice?" It's not joy, not glee, just ... stillness, the absence of war.

I strongly support Dean and Sam taking Castiel out for a party after the Apocalypse. >_< Not necessarily anything very wild or corrupting :D or whatever, just, you know, fun.

"Ginormo"'s view of Castiel's vessel
There's one shot of Jimmy when he's telling Dean and Sam he wants to go home that really caught my attention, the shot that "looks down" at him from Sam's perspective. This is the first shot I can remember that does this, actually accentuating the height difference. LOOK - Jimmy is looking UP at Sam. Which is excellent, because before, like in the dream/kitchen scene with Dean and the scene when Sam first met Castiel, the height difference was never noted like this by the camera. Even when given shots from the "viewpoint" or perspective of the brothers, we always saw Castiel as "on a level" with them.

But now it's just Jimmy. And, while Jimmy may know more about what's going on than the average human, he's still just that - the average human; not an equal/fellow fighter, as Castiel has been, to Dean and Sam.

YAY, now I can go about catching up on all the wonderful stuff this episode must have generated! ^___^

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