Ahhhhhhhh!!!! *hyperventilates*

Aug 24, 2008 00:43

It's Frosh Week!!!!!!! This is the week (well, for my uni, nine days) before University starts and all the students mingle and such with activities.

And I am so not ready to go. I HATE socializing, I get antsy around people, I usually just cower in a corner and wait until it's over. Yes, I'm THAT BAD!! Sometimes I wonder how I ever made friends o.o.

Anyways, so I have to journey allllll the way to god knows where at 9 freaking am!! And then I have to stay there till god knows when =(. But dammit, I should at least try to make friends, my friend said that it's really hard to make friends outside of frosh and another said frosh didn't help at all so hmmm o.O. But I guess it's a good experience...>.>" sigh...I wonder if we mingle with Shulich people...they buy their frosh kits on the same websites too while others buy it on their own separate website...or maybe they just have that little people lol. Schulich's the best school for business majors...but don't say ahh for me yet, the rest of the school is uh...not that great. It's in the news a lot, a lot of rape stories o.o.

Ah, so I guess I should sleep =/. I am way too anxious, dammit! Why didn't anyone take psychology with me?!?! D=?!?!

real life, school

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