"I don't even like cheese."
"That makes it even worse you sick bastard!"
Anyone watch Misfits? I think it's creeping its way to be my favorite show of all time. OF ALL TIME!
It's quite unique from most shows, it focuses on five juvenile delinquents on community service when a freak storm gave them (and a surprisingly large amount of others) superpowers and each power is kind of related to their personalities. What sets is apart from other superpower series is that they just do absolutely nothing with them cause everyone on the show is kind of a deadbeat lol, but likeable deadbeats.
Like all british shows it has notriously short seasons but they managed to have really jam a lot into each episode. Quick pace drama with a good balance of comedy. Season 1 just more introductory so you know what the character's about and I find that season 2 thus far is developing them more as well as having a more of an arc plot that stretches for more than one episode.
Also it has sexy people like this guy
Oh just watch it, season one is all on youtube, all six episodes...
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