MES PREMIERES. Pt.2. Small Summary.

Nov 01, 2011 04:34

Ok, I know it’s been a long time I haven’t updated, but don’t give up on me guys. I’m still here and this story ( and many others ) are finished in my head, just have to write them down and find time to.

So, I know some of you may be confused with all that happened, I told you guys it’d be crack for that one chapter, the fourth,  to explain how Bummie got pregnant. To say the truth, I love m-preg and I think all my ‘long’ fics, or at least half of them will have m-preg or children inside it somehow. Just like Jongkey and babies y’know.

Okay. On with it.

First, Kibum had his Fashion Week and all the work he had to do. He still took a weekend to come and see Jonghyun. They went to the restaurant and then afterwards had plenty kinky wild sex. But while working, to stay upright Key baby drank too many times of a certain energy drink, that has some products that boosted the dormant female hormones in him.. Plus the thing his, his grandfather was a hermaphrodite, means he had both female and male bits. I don’t think this is true irl but for my fic’s purpose, this can be passed down in the family.

Since only female bits have a reproductive system, thus internal organs, it every child and further generation of Kibum’s grandfather will have female reproductive organs. They can be born hermaphrodite, then they have both. They can be born female, then there’s no problem. They’re female so no male bits and they would have had female reproductive system anyway. It’s when they are born male that the question arises. They’re male but they have women reproductive system. Well, that doesn’t cause any problem when they are straight. If there are gay, and if they bottom there is a chance that the female organs can be used. But even then, during the man’s life he hasn’t been a woman so he doesn’t have enough hormones to make a spermatozoid go all the way to being a foetus and all that.

Well, now Bummie is pregnant. Because of all the coincidences :
  • He is a man with female reproductive organs.
  • He is gay and he bottomed that time.
  • Jonghyun stayed inside him long after he had sent his little soldiers inside Bummie.
  • He drank too many of those energy drinks, with upped the level of his female hormones.
Now I don’t know if you got it, I hope you did. It seems okay in my head, and idk if I made it ok for you too. Now if it’s still not ok, just tell yourself “ things happened and now, otteoke !? Bummie is pregnant.” . This is fiction, shit happens.

So, after their weekend of hot sex, Bummie went back to Japan. He stayed there enough that he felt that something was wrong, went to the doctor, who told him everything. Now he knew that Jonghyun had this commitment problem, and he remembered how he reacted when Sunny and Onew said they were pregnant. So he left Jonghyun, in hope that Jonghyun would come after him when he’ll be ready to commit.
Jonghyun sulked in his own corner, before being slapped by his umma and then made things okay and came to see Bummie. Who told him he was pregnant.

And this is where I left it last time, when Jonghyun fainted when he saw Bummie’s pregnant pictures.

Chapter one is Taemin POV, 2Min story and some Onny.

Chapter two is Jonghyun mopping and doing nothing. He tells how Kibum broke up with him and then his umma comes.

Chapter three is Key being pregnant and all that. He tells how broke up with Jjong. At the end Jonghyun comes.

Chapter four is Key being told he is pregnant

Chapter five is Key telling , and telling when exactly it happened, and the baby was conceived.

Chapter six takes from where chapter three ended. But Jonghyun tells what he's been doing just after chapter two. And then back to where chapter three ended and the boy faints.

Chapter seven takes from where the sixth ended and there is no flashback.

Now that I wrote it, it may seem a bit messy. But really, it is not.

It's just, I've been seperating the thing by POV/ Someone's POV. It starts with the present time, then he tells what happened before that, and at the end he comes back in the present and decides something. In his next POV, he already did what he decided and he's telling it to his, then coming back in his present time.

Still too complicated for you ? Aish, I don't know then

In the order it would be : Chapter Five, Four, One. Chapter Two and Six are happening to Jonghyun while chapter Four is happening to Kibum. Then all comes back well and you have Chapter Seven..

Mes premières, jongkey., fic!related

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