0masik0 posted something reeeeally interessting because of the Dir en grey Tourdates!
But this is not official yet...you know the game! ^_~
Okay...and I did some more screenshots! From the second Disc again...sorry...I started to do the screenshots of Die for my page...I will try to do some shots from the first Disc on weekend ^^
More shots for you )
Some of those are so cute. XD
There is one scene when Die is asking the other bands of family values because of some autograph...this is lovely...he always say "sank you very much" after...*giggles* ^_^
welche bands fragt die denn wegen autogrammen , weißt du das? *neugierig* =P
Ehm...ich glaub u.a. die Bullets & Octane Leute halt...sicher bin ich mir da nicht...ich kenn mich mit den Bands net so aus! XD Aber er hält dann irgendeine signierte CD in die Kamera...*guckt mal*
Achja..."Bury your dead" fragt er da grad XD
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