Star Wars-second viewing w/spoilers

May 19, 2005 11:46

Went to see it again, with the folks and timmy. Much easier view, but with a lesser gut reaction at times. In those cases, it's far better to watch people's reactions to certain scenes, like well Mace's death and Anakin's conversion-which I personally didn't buy. hey hey I don't care if it's a big story and you're pressed for time, my screenwriting profs would have never allowed me to get away with some of the cop-outs you've asked the audience to swallow. "medically there's nothing wrong with her-but somehow she's lost the will to live" Fer cryin out loud-a bunch of untrained mid level pencil pushers could do better. Ah well, like Berg says, criticize the film for what it is-not what it could have been.
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