Jan 30, 2009 08:56
So Last night mel and I went and saw My Bloody Valentine in 3-D! Movie was ok, but I hate scary movies, and this was one of those scary moves where you have to remind your self to breath every now and again. Anyways so last night I kept seeing valentine heart shapped candy boxes falling out of a closet and this guy dressed in a mask and miner suit.
In summer of 2007 I took out a short term loan cause ... blah blah blah. Anyways I hadn't paid it back yet so they had blocked me from regisitration. I went to the office and signed a contract saying that when I got my refund from this semester I would go and pay off the loan. Befor school started I went to the office and paid. Well apartenly they hired a monkey in the office cause they applied my check to my student fees acount and not my loan. So a got a refund and I was like where the fuck is this coming from. Then I get a call from the loan office yesturday and they were like you haven't paid your loan yet. I was like oh yes I did. So this morning I go to the office to pay the loan. I write the check for the same amount I paid before school started (1785.73) and she looks up my account and says the balance is 1790 something and I was like oh no it is not. I ain't paying that intrest that wasn't my fuck up, and she was like there is nothing I can do for you, you are gunna have to go talk to the loan people. So I go in there and she tired to be all well you have to tell them what it is for and I was like don't pay games with me I ain't paying that stupid intrest. So she calls some other lady who gets in the phone with someone else and is like i don't know how to fix this. I was sitting in the other room thinking I don't care if you know how you better find a way to cause there is no way in FUCKING hell I am paying that intrest. 15 min later she comes in and says I am all taken care of. That is damn right I am all taken care of and you better go talk to that monkey and tell him he better learn how to do his job or I will like him next time!
Thank you and have a nice day!