I'm proud to introduce the new tag.

Oct 21, 2009 06:30

Well, it's real. I'm here. This is really happening. And as much as I freak the fuck out about graduate school, sometimes I get so excited because I know I'm doing what I love. Nothing feels better than consulting the white board, mapping ideas, reading new and crazy shit that makes no fucking sense at first. It's amazing.

What white board, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

So, grad school is essentially designed for the sole purpose of pressuring a student into "narrowing her interests" such that she can do effective research as an expert on a topic. As such, I'm already under some pressure to begin this "narrowing" that will expert-ize me. And I'm starting to look fickle. The truth will out, I suppose, because I am fickle. My dissertation topics have ADD.

As such, I've got this whiteboard that is supposed to contain shopping lists and important dates. Now, it does have those things... but it's a really big whiteboard and we really only write stuff down like "laundry detergent" when we're completely out and need it immediately. I've started collecting dissertation topics on this whiteboard. Worse, still, I've told some folks at school about my whiteboard and now the whiteboard is the stuff of legends. Yeah, hyperbole, whatever. People know my whiteboard.

I've only got four items on the list. (Daniel has named this list "Moosefarts"--one example of why I'm still sure he might be my soulmate.) But I keep getting them and I keep taking them seriously and that tells me something about what I'm doing here.

So, that's the introduction. And, now, please welcome my newest and scariest tag.


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