...wow, so much has happened since my last entry... i almost forgot about this LJ until a few min ago..then i thought to myself...hey, i should write in my live journal... but then i didn't know how to put anything into words...me and my boyfriend celebrated our 1 year anniversary on dec. 23, it was good...we actually didn't celebrate on dec. 23 though...we celebrated on dec. 19, his birthday...so it was kinda combined...i made dinner and a cake...even though i made the cake the next day...what! i'm lazy! :P i went home for xmas break came back for new years eve to be w/chris ^_^
...so much stuff...eh..
well here a tidbit...
How to make a Joy_Of_Pain
1 part anger
5 parts silliness
5 parts beauty
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity
Personality cocktailFrom
Go-Quiz.com have a good whatever time of day this is... everyone!
oo...xmas gifts! gotta tell you what i got!!!!
ok...here it goes
"napoleon dynamite" dvd
"meet the parents" dvd
"super milk chan show" part 3 dvd
Inuyasha calandar
25 gift card to olga's
25 gift card to starbux
carbuncle stuffed animal (from chris ^_^)
20 gift card to Briarwood Mall (from D :P)
um...i got random money f/family and friends of family...
...i think that is it... if i remember anythign i'll try to remember to post it :P
(*'-')*)'V') hm...what does that look like too you?... i seen it in a japanese profile on FFXI...:P