Dec 25, 2005 00:54
Where do I begin? What sweeping statement can encompass the sweet breadth of life's experience that covers me here, now, on my twentieth Christmas Day of living? Our Lord came, and died, and rose again; and this inhabits every tear and joy of each His children. Meanwhile my smaller life basks in His light first, then lets softer grievances come in.
My earthly love has gone from me for the last time in five months; we will be apart at least until I come from Argentina to the States on May 6, 2006. And yet, we are closer than ever--our futures so intertwine and include dreams of Heaven (earth's version, marriage) that I cannot help but hope to see its fruition sometime next year--after our long approaching time apart, I cannot comprehend another span of time without his warm embrace--without him embracing me the way a husband ought his wife.
And in two days I leave for Alexandrov, Russia, where I will pursue sweet broken little ones with a Father's vengeance to reclaim His beloved children, tiny ones who need His love more than the food they miss with growling stomachs or even the wounds within their hearts. He can feed their hearts, while we will entertain and do some of the other work in the physical realm.
And so my only last burden is getting things in order for my stay in Argentina: student visa, paramount in my concern; but also receiving confirmaiton on a ticket I have already paid for, paying down all trace of debt next month after my trip to Russia... and learning to fall in Jesus' arms once more, again, again, again, and still again. I am unfaithful, but His love overcomes my weakness, and I am strong. By heaven's will a tiny child became my bloody sacrifice that I might live a holy life--honor His wrongful death--and celebrate His renewed, rebirthed life today, and the next, and the next. Because He lives...
sacrifice; argentina,