"Anna K E Nieminen" is a SCAMMER

Mar 28, 2011 23:55

If a Google result led you to this page, CONGRATULATIONS! You googled the name of a scammer before sending them 600/800 euros as a security deposit for an apartment that doesn't exist. If you already sent the money... well, you should have Googled "her" first. "She" has posted ads for apartments in Uppsala, Sweden, in Tampere, Finland AND in many places in the UK.

If you search by name, you might get this result:

If you search by email, you'll get the ads "she" posted as well as some job offers that "she" signs as "Anne" even though her name is supposed to be Anna. (Real people tend to know their real name.)

If you search by the phone number in the email she sent you: +447031818504, these are the results you'll get:


As well as MANY MANY more ads about amazing apartments you can rent. Including this:
-- Same phone number, different name, different email, but when you Google them, you get scam warnings as well.

Well, pat yourself on the back. You dodged this one... and I know how you feel. The imaginary apartments these people offer really WERE spectacular based on the description. But deep inside you knew it was too good to be true...

+447031818504, fraud, 447031818504, anna_k_e_nieminen@hotmail.com, touret eric marc, dankwasllc@gmail.com, anna_k_e

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