Jul 15, 2006 16:51
Okay, so...I'm a big fat lj slacker.
I went to San Antonio. Obviously. And it was a blast. I got talked about on SD, incited conspiracy theories among the antis and raised a ruckus. And I didn't do anything other than show up. We seem to have that effect. So strange that people never considered the fact that Steve, Becky, Naty, etc. like us because we're normal (ie; not rabbid, demanding and unable to differentiate between them and the fictional roles they play).
While we were at the event, Becky and Naty were auctioning off phone calls. Becky joked that I wouldn't bid because she calls me every week for free (which of course insited insanity and rage at SD). But I did actually end up buying Naty's call. I met her last year and adored her. So she called me a week after SA. There's a whole long story behind it but bottomline, she's a sweetheart. She found out in Texas that I'm a big fan of Derk, who plays Max (Sonny's head bodyguard) and actually arranged for him to call me. Which he did. Now I'm a bigger fan, lol. I'm looking forward to seeing them both in LA this week.
I can't believe it's already that time of the year! I leave for LA on Wednesday and everyone's coming this time around (Deb and Pilar included), as well as some new girls. So it should be alot of fun. I'll definitely take the time out to recap that at least, lol. I'm staying an extra couple of days to hang out with Robyn as well! Getting in everything I can during this trip--especially since there are no classes or clinicals to schedule around.
I might see Zack too if his team's playing in the area. Otherwise, I'll have to take the treck up to SanFran the next go around. Zack, if you're reading this, get offline and go play golf or something. :)
Um...hmm, what else, what else?
This is why I hate slacking on this. So much to recap.
Oh! Co-op's over so now I'm only working per diem. I went home last week for a few days and I just got back to Boston. I hung out with Alvin for the first time in a few months and we had fun. Shopping and dinner on Newbury one day and lunch and shopping in Cambridge the next. The buyer's remorse is still lingering but oh well, I'll be a well attired guilty person.
With good hair. I squeezed in a salon appt before the vacation, too. Maksou Salon. Everyone should go there. Amazing, amazing. LOL, not to go all Starr Jones and plug crazy. I'm just saying...
I'm gonna go have some string cheese.
And pack. And maybe write something. Maybe.