Daytime's Dr. McDreamy, please...

Feb 14, 2006 17:57

I've got the mutant flu.

Or as Mike might call it, Monkey Pox. That's what I get for watching too much GH, lol. So I get to the doctor today and it takes three people to figure out how to test for this thing. No one has had it in my school so the people at the health center were kind of fumbling around. I then get told not to be around people.

Two issues with that:

1. I live with people.

2. There were people aplenty at the pharmacy where I was required to go, wait for my prescription and be informed by my friendly local pharmacist that the medication may not work too well. But worry not, he assured me, I probably won't die. Since I'm not an infant or a geriatric, the mortality rate isn't high. But apparently, there is one. Nice. And to add insult to injury, there's some kind of limit on this prescription drug treatment so even with insurance, it's like...highway robbery. Oh and the medication makes me nauseous. Gross.

Good news is that Chris and Meri haven't gotten sick. I'm definitely glad for that. But I've already missed a day of work and am just tired and completely unmotivated to put the finishing touches on the project I need to ship out on Friday.

On that same vein, Becky knows I'm sick so I'm sure she won't be surprised at the late arrival. We covered real life hospital outbreaks (I picked this up at work) while talking about the Encephalitis thing on GH. LOL, that's almost embarassing that we talked about me being sick. But she seemed genuinely interested and worried. Before hanging up she was reminding me to push fluids and rest.

Nurse's orders, lol.

Though I wouldn't have minded it coming from Dr. Drake...

What can I say? It is Valentine's Day.

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