Nov 26, 2009 02:11
I know most of you are my facebook friend and know at least SOME of what is going on, but, I need to be detailed, so:
Part A:
My Grandfather is dying. Really, dead, except for his body is still breathing, barely. He came down with a rare, but curable blood disorder called TTP. However, it is normally in 20-40 year olds, NOT 87 year olds. The constant plasma transfusions and dialisis were killing him, and the only cure. He was declared terminal and moved to Hospice. My grandfather has lost his ability to talk, swallow, his feeling of hunger, ability to walk, or pretty much do anything but lay there and occasionally open his eyes. Since he cannot swallow, every breath is this gargly, snorey, raspy sound. Every breath sounds like his last. His whole body is swollen. He is only on a morphine pack. He is not getting fed through a tube or IV or anything. This is considered Humane, because all feeding him would do, is keep him alive in this AWFUL state. I was able to talk to him, and I got him to give me that grandpa smile. He really is an amazing man. My grandfather never felt pain. he was accident prone, I got it from him, and would fall into glass, need stitches, and not even feel it. He was a fighter pilot in world war two, but he was not at all gruff. He was the sweetest grandpa ever. He was always the first to the door, arms out stretched, "There is my granddaughter!" with a big bear hug and his hearing aides screeching in your ear. It is sad that the sound of his hearing aides is one I will miss dearly because it was so grandpa. He never got sick. At 87 he mowed his own lawn and took the trash out every Wednesday. It seemed like nothing could slow him down, until one thing did.
About 2 months ago my grandma got really sick, she pulled through (Grandma can be a hypochondriac, but she will live to be 100 just to prove doctors wrong). Joe and I went to visit, and while he had met grandma, it was his first time with grandpa. Grandpa LOVED Joe. They exchanged war stories, and laughed the whole visit. At the end, Grandpa told Joe, "You know, they are hunting for a new Son-In-Law in this family, if you are interested" and Joe told him maybe in the next year or so and he planned on marrying me, which made grandpa so happy.
I am the youngest girl, and my dad's side of the family, the youngest period. However, I have always kind of the one who took care of my siblings. This, it just took me for a loop. I cried to Nicole and told her how happy I was he met Joe and I wished he could be around until when I got married and all that. I came home today, grandpa is still alive, but, there is nothing I can do for him. I went to say my goodbyes and I got my one last REAL grandpa smile and I knew he knew I loved him
Part B:
I cried last night and couldn't sleep and I just had all these wishes. I got home today and was still pretty sad, and not wanting anything. My Birthday is Monday and I cancelled all plans, just incase he goes and there is a funeral, I don't want to have plans. TOnight, however, we were going to dinner with my parents for Joe's belated birthday. Mom told me to rest and then get all dressed up because as girls, that makes us happy. We got to my mom's house and I was sitting down waiting for Joe and he called my name to come into another room. Joe got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was in shock. I asked at least 3 times, "are you serious?" I was so excited, and he put the ring on my finger and I wanted to call my dad, I wanted him to tell grandpa. I called my dad, and he told me Joe had called at 4, right after Dad took me to the airport. He asked his permission and once granted, said, "Please, tell her grandpa, it's important for her that he knows." Joe had gone out of his way, knowing I wanted my grandpa to be a part of it. He had taken that morning off of work and took my mother ring shopping. He knew everything, I wanted Princess cut, I am a size 5.5, I wanted details on all sides, and it is Tacori. Joe took the hardest time I have had to date in my life, and made it the most positive. He has uplifted my whole family. To me, this is just a great way to honor my grandpa. I hope, when we have kids, they will get our (Grandpa and my) clumsiness. I want to tell them about the ox of a grandpa I had and how we worried on Thanksgiving when he got ahold of that electric knife. I want to continue his legacy that I got. His constant foot moving, clumsiness, and high pain tolerance (Granted, his was way higher than mine, but with each broken bone, doctors are shocked at how quickly I quit taking pain killers and start living a normal life). It feels like then end of one era, but the start of a new and wonderful one filled with love and memories.