Feb 17, 2004 14:18
So I woke up at 6:30 this morning with my nose so disguistingly running all over my pillow...eewww I know. But shit happens right. I also found out yesterday that my best friend of 15 years is no longer living at home. How bad does that suck. It's hard enough for me to keep in touch with her. I just feel like this is the last step to me slowly losing her. I thought I didn't want her to go into the service but now that this has happened I kinda want her to because It'll get her away from all these people who are corrupting her. I miss the girls we use to be. :( At least if she was in the service I would know that she is safe and I know that sounds dumb because many people get killed while serving but I think she has a better chance of surviving there than she does going down the path she's heading now. And I only say these things because I love her death. Any mother who would let their kids smoke pot and all sorts of drugs in her home and even provide it for them (the mom where she is now staying not her mom!) should not have her kids anymore...I'm sorry...that's just the way I feel!
But enough of my ramblings about that.
On a brighter note, my Valentine's day was wonderful. Marky and I dressed up and went to dinner at Tiebel's then we went into Illinois for his little cousin Gwenie's 6th b-day party. Always good times when you're at uncle ricky's house.
So I'm goin home again this weekend...I hate being at school when I don't feel good.
Oh I got a job finally! Yay for me! I work at GNC in Purdue West right behind my dorm. I started last Friday. It's really fun...plus I get 30% off anything I buy! Woohoo!!!
Ok...now that I've bored you (if you've even read this far) I will leave.