Feb 12, 2008 19:07
5PM Couldn't I Just Use a Quill and Parchment?
Paralegal in training: Help me! The text that I am typing is replacing the text that is already there!
Patient coworker: Um... Hit the 'Insert' key.
Paralegal in training: ... Where on the screen do I click that?!
San Francisco, California
4PM "Sounds of Silence"?
Coworker #1: I can't believe you're singing.
Coworker #2: I always sing.
Coworker #1: Yeah, but the owner of the company is standing right over there!
Coworker #2: Why? Does she have a request?
12PM What about Pineapples?
Employee #1: Alright, so I could say, 'One thousand, one hundred twenty-five -- the average number of apples on a tree.'
Employee #2: Hey, wait, no -- that's not right. It's too many.
Employee #1: Well, can you prove it? You would have to count every apple on every tree in the world.
Employee #2: No, I'd just count out of a hundred apple trees and get an average from that.
Employee #1: But that'd be an incomplete average, and I said 'every tree,' so you'd have to count, like, pine trees and...
Employee #2: There are no apples on pine trees!
9AM A Very Limited Edition Reese's Cup
Chick: Can you pass the penis butter?
Boss: [Silence.]
Chick: Peanut butter. Oh, God.
United Kingdom
Overheard by: monk.e.boy
Hhahaha, hilarious!!! This is why my co-workers and I do not talk about stupid/inappropriate stuff in the office. We come from the generation of computers and cell phones, after all. So we e-mail and text each other instead, even though we're only a cubicle or two away. =P