[ The feed clicks on to a probably-familiar sight: the inside of the Goldenrod Gym. Marco is visible, nearly offscreen, and the camera is focused on the Rhydon in the center of the ring. ]
Don't get cocky!
[ The shot zooms out, taking in the rotund shape of a Miltank, who stomps her feet eagerly. Rhydon cocks his head. ]
Miltank! Use Rollout!
[ Marco laughs. He had a plan for this, but - well. Rachel's watching. Tactics don't impress her, but he knows what does. ]
Pound that cow, buddy. Hammer Arm.
[ Rhydon plants his feet and roars as Miltank rolls toward him, picking up speed at an alarming rate. When they collide, Rhydon barely rocks back. He then lifts one massive arm and swings it down on Miltank. Her rollback is stopped in its tracks for a moment, but she stumbles to her feet and gets out of the way. ]
Hey! That's mean! Miltank, hit him again!
[ This time, Rhydon takes a single step back to balance himself, and shakes himself off as Miltank rolls back to her trainer. ]
Focus Blast.
[ When Miltank rolls in again, a bright ball of light blows up between them, sending Miltank tumbling backward. When the dust clears, Rhydon is picking himself up, too. ]
I've got four more of those. You wanna call it quits?
No way! I'm not gonna lose!
[ Marco shakes his head a little. He totally wishes gym leaders weren't cute girls. ]
Focus Blast.
[ Miltank rolls in again, and again, both of them stumble back from the impact. This time, Miltank is slower to get back up.
The next time, she almost doesn't get back up. Rhydon hauls himself bodily off the ground and roars again. He advances on the still-woozy Miltank without instruction from Marco, and slams another Hammer Arm down on her.
Before he can charge the now-unconscious Miltank, Marco recalls him. ]
[ And then begins the waaaahmbulance. ]
[ A female voice, close to the 'Gear: ] Oh, holy sh-
[ And the feed shuts off. ]
[ Responses will be slightly delayed, as Marco is dealing with one crying girl and one angry one. Rachel was used with permission as the camerawoman for this post. o/ Badge is mod-approved! ]